Dear Volleyball ACT members, families, and community
Yesterday brought us the unfortunate news that the Canberra lockdown has been extended until the 2nd of September.
The Volleyball ACT Board met on Monday night and we have started putting our pre-planned arrangements into place and once we have the Return to Play guidelines from ACT Government we will be set to restart Volleyball as soon as we are safely allowed.
Volleyball ACT will continue to liaise with ACT Health and will continue to provide any necessary updates and advice to our clubs and members.
Please find below updates for several areas:
Volleyball Australia has informed us that the Home and Away AVL series for 2021 will be canceled, the division 2 and finals series running the first week in December is expected to still be on. Canberra Heat will be entering teams into this competition and Volleyball ACT is currently working on some sanctioned matches against other state teams to run in late October and November 2021. More information will be pass through Canberra Heat Head Coaches.
We will be working closely with all clubs to finalise dates and schedule for the remaining CVL matches, the season will likely be extended by two weeks to ensure we fit in all matches where possible.
Spring Open & Rec Leagues
With the Spring Open and Rec Leagues running until the end of October we, unfortunately, don’t have the time or venue capacity to play all remaining matches. We are currently working on some new draws for the remainder of the season and these will be finalised once we have information on the relevant return to play guidelines and restrictions. Volleyball ACT is finalising options for possible reimbursements, this will depend on the final number of weeks impacted by the current lockdown and any further extensions.
Youth Championships
We are sad to say that Volleyball Australia has had to cancel the Australian Youth Volleyball Championships for 2021. Volleyball ACT is working with all state team Coaches to keep their team engaged and active during this lockdown period. Training will continue once lockdown has finished and Volleyball ACT will run an intrastate tournament in Canberra for all athletes to compete in. Athletes and parents/ guardians are welcome to contact Volleyball ACT with any questions. You will also receive an email from Dave Pease with further details.
Good Neighbour
Entries are currently open for the 56th Good Neighbour Tournament – 27th & 28th November 2021. You can enter your team here Good Neighbour 2021 - Volleyball ACT
*NOTE: A full refund will be provided to any teams that need to withdraw due to Covid travel or lockdown restrictions.
Lyneham Beach Facility
The end of lockdown will be closely followed by the start of our Beach season, make sure to keep your eyes out for some exciting updates and additions to the Lyneham Beach Facility. We are excited about what is coming to this space very soon.
Finally, from the Volleyball ACT staff and Board members, we know that rising Covid-19 cases, lockdowns, and current requirements bring with them a huge degree of uncertainty and stress. We hope everyone is staying safe and looking after themselves physically and mentally.
Stay Safe!