Sporting Schools - OzSpike
Olympic Volleyballer Rachel Uren set up the OzSpike Junior Volleyball program eight years ago to introduce volleyball to school students in a fun and friendly way. The program now has over 200 students training on a weekly basis across several schools. In addition to training each week, the students also get to represent their school in Junior Volleyball tournaments throughout the year on both indoor and beach volleyball courts.

OzSpike is a Volleyball Australia Sporting Schools provider and over the years we have enjoyed bringing volleyball to thousands of children across Canberra.
The program is fortunate to have elite athletes from the Volleyroos, the Australian Volleyball Academy, Canberra Heat, and athletes from local clubs in Canberra who help coach sessions. This is a huge thrill for the students as they get to know some of the best players in Canberra and Australia!
Meet some new friends, learn some new skills, and have fun playing the best game in the World!
To booking your session, head to the Sporting Schools website!